Web-based color wheel makes it very easy to find color combinations that can be immediately used for a design project. The wheel has eight different color palette generation modes that allow the user to create color palettes with maximum freedom and flexibility.
Ideal for web and graphic designers, architects, social media managers and other visual communication specialists.
Key features:
✅- Eight different color palette generation modes - select one and then generate infinite color combinations by moving one of the color variables on the wheel
✅- Supports RGB, CMYK, HSV color modes
✅- Provides visual display of hexadecimal and RGB/CMYK/HSV values for each color in the selected palette
✅- Real-time color palette modification
100% free.
My evaluation: Very useful color wheel can generate mathematically well-thought out color palettes in real-time. Just select the color palette generation mode and set a base color. No registration required. Recommended.
Try it out now: https://designs.ai/colors/color-wheel